Monday, September 27, 2010

Mothers Day Flowers

Buying Mothers Day flowers and baskets or any other gifts for your mother should be important, if you want to show her love and appreciation. It is true that since Mother’s Day has been celebrated, it has grown to a huge business, where more flowers and other gifts are sold than the rest of any other day of the year. We have been bombarded by ads to spend our money for Mother’s Day! Should we declare our independence and abstain? Let’s see… The truth is that Moms love to get flowers and baskets for Mothers Day, or for any occasion, even though they may pretend they do not care! Deep down they do care, and get really disappointed if they do not receive anything. My mom used to say to my married sister that she did not need anything for mother’s day, but then she would give flowers to my sister, who is also a mother! So indulge your mother with all the love and affection she deserves, and make sure you get her something that she likes. You wouldn’t want mom to get a basket of jellies if she jars her own or a dozen of roses if she is allergic to them.

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